Salad With Sea Kale

Hello, my name is Michael, I have two entities one is the cooking, but I learned to cook and I like to cook. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Larry David. The second education building, after studying in 2000 with a degree ventilation system design and design, I'm working on their design. Cooking is still my favorite hobby and I am ready to engage in this business a long time, but still, I enjoy winter sports and in his spare time, I like to do writing articles! Recently I made another of his new blog theme is: ventilation system and now I would like to describe one of my favorite recipes salad vinigreta, you think it will be very useful. The use of seaweed in salad will not only give a certain piquancy to the dish, but also help provide our body with essential micronutrients, especially iodine, potassium, sodium. When you boil the potatoes and beets do not forget to use ventilation systems, or in the apartment will be engridientov flavors of salad. If not, close all doors hoods, it is also to some extent protect against odors. To prepare this salad, we need the following products: 150 gr.

canned sea cabbage, 350 gr. potatoes, 250 gr. beets and carrots, 200 grams. pickles, 100 grams. onions, 100 gr. any vegetable oil, salt. Cooking: Potatoes, carrots, beets thoroughly cleaned.

Potatoes and carrots to boil. Beets baked in the oven. Vegetables after cooling to clean, cut into cubes. In large pickles peel them (in small – you can not shoot). Cut the cucumber and dice. Onions may be cut or half-rings cubes smaller. Mix all the vegetables, add chopped sea kale. Season with vegetable oil, salt (salt with caution because of the presence of pickled cucumbers and cabbage). Spoon salad with seaweed salad bowl to. I wish bon appetit. Vinaigrette is one of the favorite popular salad in Russia and the former Soviet Union, and Olivier vinigret should be able to cook any housewife!